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Overview - How FeedBackChat real audio and video chat work

Features of feedbackchat  
Live Chat Support Operators Login
Real Video streaming
Real time Text Chat and Website monitoring
Web browser interface for Monitoring and Chatting
Windows Application interface.
(Using this interface you need not to open web browser, application can stay in system tray)
Real Audio streaming
Visual and audio notification on chat request
Real time on-line/offline status on your web site
Visitor information - OS,Browser,Language, Many more.
Geo location
Customized canned answers
Offline video emails
Off-line messages
Visitor hits count (counter)
Custom chat image (your own graphic for online/offline status)
Chat history pop-up on chat pickup
Various customizable options
All Text/Message in visitor chat window in any language are customizable
Ready made templates for visitor chat window
Auto-pop ups
Pro-Pop : Proactive pop-ups
IP blocking
Chat Transcripts
Push Pages
Application skinning
Canned responses
Various Administrative options such as setup of additional operators, transcripts monitoring etc.
Single Support Executive and Multiple Chat Session
Administrator Chat Monitoring
Support operators rating and login logs

What do I need ?
You need windows XP with Flash Plugin installed. If you do not have the flash player, you can get it at Macromedia website

Does it work with Mac or Linux ?
Yes : you can use it directly with your web browser without using the software.

How does the service cost ?
You pay a annual fee. Please check the price at http://www.feedbackchat.com/purchase.php

How to transmit video/audio ?
Simple click the audio/video window in your Admin window. You can also Right click and choose parameters for audio/video quality selection.

I am behind a router, does it work ?
Yes, Feedbackchat works with routers.

I am behind a proxy, does it work ?
Yes, Feedbackchat works with proxies.

What is the difference between the free and the registered version ?
The registered version will remove all "unregsiteted free" labels and captions.

Can I customize the online/offline pictures ?
Go to your Admin window and choose the parametrs menu.

Can I disable the video mails and use normail email instead ?
Yes, you can receive normal emails instead of video mails: go to your Admin window and choose the parametrs menu.

Others questions ?
Please contact us HERE